Journal : Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation

Title : A simulation-based optimization for scheduling in a fab: comparative study on different sampling methods

Authors : Hyunjung Yoon, Gwanguk Han, Bonggwon Kang, and Soondo Hong

Abstract : A semiconductor fabrication facility(FAB) is one of the most capital-intensive and large-scale manufacturing systems which operate under complex and uncertain constraints through hundreds of fabrication steps. To improve fab performance with intuitive scheduling, practitioners have used weighted-sum scheduling. Since the determination of weights in the scheduling significantly affects fab performance, they often rely on simulation-based decision making for obtaining optimal weights. However, a large-scale and high-fidelity simulation generally is timeintensive to evaluate with an exhaustive search. In this study, we investigated three sampling methods (i.e., Optimal latin hypercube sampling(OLHS), Genetic algorithm(GA), and Decision tree based sequential search(DSS)) for the optimization. Our simulation experiments demonstrate that: (1) three methods outperform greedy heuristics in performance metrics; (2) GA and DSS can be promising tools to accelerate the decision-making process.

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