Journal Articles

2021 ~ Present


[1] B Kang, C Park, H Kim, S Hong, “Bayesian Optimization for the Vehicle Dwelling Policy in Semiconductor Wafer Fab”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, in press

[2] T Lee, HY Fibrianto, S Hong, “Order batching problem in a parallel-aisle order picking system with larger-than-bin orders”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, in press

[3] H Choi, H Byeon, S Yoon, B Kim, S Hong, “Analysis of Workforce Scheduling Using Adjusted Man-machine Chart and Simulation”, Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 47(1), 20-27 (2024)

[4] Y Li, Z Sun, S Hong, “An exact algorithm for multiple-equipment integrated scheduling in an automated container terminal using a double-cycling strategy”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 186, 103565 (2024)


[1] B Kim, J Park, S Hong, “A Simulation Evaluation of Aisle Design and Operation Policies for an Automated Storage and Retrieval System with Narrow-/Wide-Width Racks”, Journal of Korean Society of Industrial Management Systems, 46(1), 68-75 (2023)

[2] H Yoon, G Han, B Kang, S Hong, “A Simulation-based Optimization for Scheduling in a Fab: Comparative Study on Different Sampling Methods”, Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation, 32(3), 67-74 (2023)

[3] B Kang, B Kim, S Hong, “Simulation optimization of collaborative handshake operations for twin overhead shuttle cranes in a rail-based automated container terminal under demand uncertainty”, IEEE Access, 11, 113437-113449 (2023)

[4] J Park, B Kim, T Lee, S Lee, S Hong, “A Simulation Study on Handshake Location in an AS/RS with Twin Cranes for Mixed-model Production in an Automotive Plant”, Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation, 32(4), 11-18 (2023)

[5] J Park, C Park, S Hong, “Gaussian Process-based Storage Location Assignments with Risk Assessments for Progressive Zone Picking Systems”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 185, 109700 (2023)

[6] G Han, SD Cahyo, S Hong, “A Simulation Study on the Picker Shortage Delay of Flow-rack Replenishment in Progressive Zone Picking Systems”, Journal of the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, 23(3), 1-10 (2023)


[1] B Kang, B-M Kang, S Hong, “A Dynamic OHT Routing Algorithm in Automated Material Handling Systems”, Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 45(3), 40-48 (2022)

[2] G Han, B Kang, H Kim, S Hong, “A GA-based Optimization of a Weighted Lot Targeting Rule in a Semiconductor Wafer Fab”, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 48(5), 477-485 (2022)

[3] G Lee, G Han, B Kang, J Lee, S Hong, “A simulation-based genetic algorithm for a dispatching rule in a flexible flow shop with rework process”, The Korea Journal of Bigdata, 7(1), 75-87 (2022)

[4] H Kim, T Lee, B Kang, S Hong, “A study of a video-based simulation input modeling procedure in a construction equipment assembly line”, The Korea Journal of Bigdata, 7(1) 99-111 (2022)

[5] T Lee, Y Kim, S Hong, “A Simulation Study for an Operational Design of a Robot-based Digital Assorting System”, Korea Logistics Review, 32(2), 1-10 (2022)

[6] T Lee, J Lee, S Hong, “Batch Assorting for Worker-Following Assortment Carts in Parallel-Aisle Order-Assorting Systems”, IEEE Access, 10, 44159-44169 (2022)

[7] J Kim and S Hong “A dynamic storage location assignment model for a progressive bypass zone picking system with an S/R crane”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(5), 1155-1166 (2022)


[1] T Lee, Y Kim, Jihyun Lee, S Hong, “A Study on Productivity Evaluation and Replacement Analysis in Order Picking with Person-Following Picking Carts”, Korean Journal of Logistics, 29(3), 69-78 (2021)

2016 ~ 2020


[1] S Hong, “Performance evaluation of two-worker operations in a worker-to-cell order assorting system”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 56(3), 414-424 (2020)

[2] Y Kim and S Hong, “Two picker cooperation strategies for zone picking systems with PTL technology”, IEEE Access, 8(1), 106059-106070 (2020)

[3] J Lee, Y Kim, T Lee, S Hong, “Simulation-based Comparison of Operational Policies in an Order Picking System with Person-Following Picking Carts”, Korea Logistics Review 30 (1), 1-12 (2020)

[4] T Lee, Y Kim, J Lee, S Hong, “A Simulation-based Analysis of a Digital Assorting System with Person-following Robotic Carts”, Korean Journal of Logistics, 28(1), 47-58 (2020)

[5] HY Fibrianto, B Kang, S Hong, “A Job Sequencing Problem of an Overhead Shuttle Crane in a Rail-Based Automated Container Terminal”, IEEE Access, 8, 156362-156377 (2020)

[6] HY Fibrianto, B Kang, Bosung Kim, Annika Marbach, Tobias Buer, H. Haasis, S Hong, Kap-Hwan Kim, “A Simulation Study of a Storage Policy for a Container Terminal”, Lecture notes in logistics, Springer International Publishing, (2020)


[1] HY Fibrianto and S Hong, “Dynamic order batching in bucket brigade order picking systems with consecutive batch windows and non-identical pickers”, International Journal of Production Research, 57(20), 6552-6568 (2019)

[2] S Hong, “A performance evaluation of bucket brigade order picking systems: Analytical and simulation approaches”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 120-131 (2019)


[1] S Hong, “The effects of picker-oriented operational factors on hand-off delay in a bucket brigade order picking system”, OR Spectrum, 40(3), 781-808 (2018)

[2] S Hong and Y Kim, “The effects of loosely coupled hand-off operations on bucket brigade order picking systems”, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 17(4), 745-756 (2018)

[3] J Lee, J Kim, Y Kim, S Hong, “A Simulation-based Performance Analysis of a Digital Assorting System”, Korea Logistics Review, 28 (5), 65-77 (2018)

[4] B Kim, J Kim, HY Fibrianto, S Hong, “A remarshalling buffer location model in a rail-based container terminal”, Korean Journal of Logistics, 26(3), 77-92 (2018)

[5] J Kim, NT Mo, HY Fibrianto, Y Kim, S Hong, “Order batching algorithms for a narrow-aisle order picking system with two depots”, Journal of the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, 18 (2), 37-50 (2018)

[6] J Lee, JH Kim, HY Fibrianto, KH Kim, S Hong, “An integrated assignment and configuration model for configurable flat-glass racks in the construction industry”, Journal of the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, 18(2), 1-12 (2018)


[1] S Hong and Y Kim, “A route-selecting order batching model with the S-shape routes in a parallel-aisle order picking system”, European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 185-196 (2017)

[2] M Ha and S Hong, “Gene-regulatory interactions in embryonic stem cells represent cell-type specific gene regulatory programs”, Nucleic Acids Research, 45(18), 10428-10435 (2017)


[1] S Hong, AL Johnson, BA Peters, “Order batching in a bucket brigade order picking system considering picker blocking”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(3), 425-441 (2016)

[2] IK Singgih, X Jin, S Hong, KH Kim, “Architectural Design of Terminal Operating System for a Container Terminal Based on a New Concept”, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 15(3), 278-288 (2016)

[3] G Kwon, S Hong, KH Kim, “Designing Transport Racks for Flat Glass Products in a Construction Industry”, Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 42(2), 270-279 (2016)

[4] M Ha and S Hong, “DNA context represents transcription regulation of the gene in mouse embryonic stem cells”, Scientific reports, 6 (2016)

[5] IK Singgih, S Hong, KH Kim, “Flow Path Design for Automated Transport Systems in Container Terminals Considering Traffic Congestion”, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 15(1), 19-31 (2016)

2011 ~ 2015


[1] S Hong, “Order batch formations for less picker blocking in a narrow-aisle picking system”, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 14 (3), 289-298 (2015)

[2] S Hong, AL Johnson, BA Peters, “Quantifying picker blocking in a bucket brigade order picking system”, International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 862-873 (2015)


[1] S Hong, “Two-worker blocking model with walk speed m in a narrow circular passage system”, European Journal of Operational Research, 235(3), 687-696 (2014)

[2] S Hong, AL Johnson, and BA Peters, 2014. “Order batching with time constraints in a parallel-aisle warehouse: A multiple-policy approach”, Progress in Material Handling Research, Book Chapter, Material Handling Industry of America


[1] S Hong, AL Johnson, and BA Peters, “ A note on picker blocking models in a parallel-aisle order picking system”, IIE Transactions, 45(12), 1345-1355 (2013)

[2] M Ha , S Hong , and W Li, “Predicting the probability of H3K4me3 occupation at a base-pair from the genome sequence context”, Bioinformatics, 29(8), 1199-1205 (2013)


[1] S Hong, AL Johnson, and BA Peters, “Batch picking in narrow-aisle order picking systems with consideration for picker blocking”, European Journal of Operational Research, 221(3), 557-570 (2012)

[2] S Hong, AL Johnson, and BA Peters, “Large-scale order batching in parallel-aisle picking systems”, IIE Transactions, 44(2), 88-106 (2012)

[3] S Hong and A Banerjee, “A large-scale distributed decision-making procedure for a single-machine scheduling problem”, International Journal of Production Research, 50(20), 5795-5808 (2012)


[1] S Hong, Andrew L Johnson, Hector J. Carlo, Dima Nazzal, and Jesus A. Jimenez, “Optimizing the location of crossovers in conveyor-based automated material handling systems in s emiconductor wafer fabs”, International Journal of Production Research , 49(20), 6199-6226 (2011)

~ 2010

~ 2010

[1] K Seo, M Joh, Y Choi, S Hong, and B Oh, “Analysis of turbo pump liquid propulsion system for a space launch vehicle”, Journal of Korea Aerospace Research Institute : Aerospace Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 151-157 (2003)

[2] S Hong, H Cho, and M Jung , “Development of heterarchical shop-floor control system execution m odule u sing E-Net”, Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 25(1), 87-99 (1999)

Peer-reviewed conference articles and Book chapters

[1] J Park, P Joatiko, C Park, S Hong, “Average flow time estimation and its application for storage relocation in an order picking system”, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 663, 60-66, (2022)

[2] TH Tran-Vo, T Nguyen, S Hong, “Effects of Multiple Depots on Total Travel Distance in Parallel-aisle Manual Order Picking Systems”, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 663, 310-318, (2022)

[3] B Kang, B Kim, S Hong, “Sequential Optimization of a Temporary Storage Location for Cooperative Twin Overhead Shuttles in a Rail-based Automated Container Terminal”, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 663, 285-292, (2022)

[4] J Park, HY Fibrianto, S Hong, “Order Batching and sequencing in a sequential zone order picking system with consideration of workload balance”, Proceedings of the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2022, Accepted

[5] B Kang, P Joatiko, J Park, S Hong, 2022. “Yard Template Planning in a Transhipment Hub using Gaussian Process Regression”, Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference, 1979-1989, 2022.

[6] B Kim, HY Fibrianto, S Hong, “The effect on a handshake operation between twin overhead shuttle cranes under demand uncertainty”, 49th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2019, 1496-1505, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2019-10

[7] J Lee, Y Kim and S Hong, “Modelling a batch assorting operation for an autonomous cart in a parallel-aisle order assorting system”, 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2019, pp. 60-65, doi: 10.1109/COASE.2019.8843189.